Worker's Compensation

Handling Workplace Injuries

Understand the setup.

The workers’ comp system was not designed primarily to benefit injured workers. It was created to protect employers and their insurance companies. That means that you need to take charge of getting what you deserve.

Request treatment. Many of us are stoic about injuries. We pretend we’re John Wayne and delay treatment. But in the case of an injury at work, it’s important to get treatment right away. Otherwise, your company may try to claim that your injury occurred away from the job.

See your own doc. Most chiropractor's are expert at treating workplace injuries. You DO NOT NEED A REFERRAL FROM ANYONE!! If possible, see a doctor you choose rather than one the company chooses. Your company’s relationship with the doctor may encourage him to protect the company’s interest.

Report the injury. Report your injury within 30 days. Just give your company a note or e-mail outlining the date of the injury, how you’re injured, where the injury occurred, and how it happened.

File a claim. For serious injuries, you’ll also have to file a form with workers compensation. Request this form from your boss, Human Resources department or from your state worker’s compensation official. There are statutes of limitation on how long you have to complete these forms, so being proactive now can save many headaches later.

Protect your rights and your claim. The success of your claim will depend largely on your own actions.

Follow these steps:
1) Maintain good records: understand and keep track of all the papers you accumulate throughout the process.
2) Be careful when talking with your company and insurance provider — they may be digging for information that will prove you were injured away from work, or while doing something you shouldn’t have been doing, or claiming treatment for a previous injury. Be careful in answering even the most innocuous-sounding questions.
3) Push to get the medical care you believe you need: Your health should be job No. 1.

Don’t fly blind when it comes to worker's comp. Be well informed and you will be compensated for any TRUE injury.

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